
Showing posts from 2012

Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 7 & 8 in Macau (Say Good Bye to Macau & Hong Kong Trip)

We spent the last 2 days in Macau, maybe we're a bit tired so we did not go much place, however Macau really is a nice place. If possible I hope I can arrange another trip to Macau, so I will revisit all the attractions in Macau where I missed. Besides that, the food in Macau really tasty, until now I still remember the taste of Portuguese Egg Tart, Hoi Kee Sweet Cheong Fun(开记甜肠粉) , Cheong Kei Prawn Noodles (祥记虾仔面) and also the Stew Milk and Stew Egg in Po Kin Milk (保健牛奶公司) & I Son Leitaria (义顺牛奶) Ruins of St. Paul's(大三巴牌坊) St. Dominic's Church (玫瑰堂) Cathedral (大堂-主教座堂) Senado Square (议事亭) Casino Lisboa Macau (葡京娛樂場) Grand Lisboa (新葡京娛樂場) Magaret's Egg Tart (玛嘉烈蛋撻) Cheong Kei Prawn Noodles (祥记虾仔面) Prawn Noodles (虾仔面) Po Kin Milk (保健牛奶公司) Hoi Kee Sweet Cheong Fun(开记甜肠粉) Sweet Cheong Fun(甜肠粉) I Son Leitaria (义顺牛奶) Macau & Hong Kong Trip - First Night in Macau>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 2 in Taipa &

Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 6 in Hong Kong

This is my last day in Hong Kong, so we were wake up in the earlier morning we departed to Tung Chung (東涌) and visited to Ngong Ping 360 (昂坪360) & Giant Buddha (天坛大佛) at Outlying Islands by cable car. Giant Buddha is the world's tallest, outdoor, seated bronze Buddha which sits serenely at top of Ngong Ping. Besides that, there is a culturally themed village called Ngong Ping Village (昂坪村) at Ngong Ping 360. Ngong Ping 360 (昂坪360) We can see the Giant Buddha from the Ngong Ping Village Temple Tai Hong (大雄宝殿) It is highly recommended to eat the breakfast at stall selling the vegetarian food where located behind the Temple Tai Hong, it is really cheap and tasty, between if you bought the admission ticket for Po Lin Monastery (寶蓮禪寺)you can also redeem a set of breakfast. After visited to Ngong Ping, our next destination is Stanley Market (赤柱市集) at Stanley New Street, you can find a lot souvenir and have a high tea here. Stanley Market (赤柱市集) Macau & Hong

Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 5 in Hong Kong

Next day morning after ate the breakfast, we departed to Ocean Park (香港海洋公园), where is one of the place I eager to go since I am still a children. The weather is quite good but it is just a bit hazy. Hong Kong Ocean Park (香港海洋公园) Macau & Hong Kong Trip - First Night in Macau>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 2 in Taipa & Hong Kong>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 3 in Hong Kong>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 4 in Hong Kong>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 6 in Hong Kong>>> Macau & Hong Kong Trip - Day 7 & 8 in Macau (Say Good Bye to Macau & Hong Kong Trip)>>> Home 主页>>>